Brain Foggy November

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Lately, the fog seems to roll in mid-afternoon and stay for the rest of the day. My will to focus and plan clouds over, and I settle for doing repetitive tasks that take little concentration. I want to expand my window of energy, or at least, re-charge it when it flags. I have things to… Continue reading Brain Foggy November

Adjusting To Seasonal Changes

Photo by Marcelo Verfe on

There’s comfort in knowing that the seasons will change in a predictable way. The daylight is shrinking but knowing that this will not last and that it’s part of a well-worn cycle brings me peace. Even when our climate and society are in chaos, the natural world will prepare for winter, just like it always… Continue reading Adjusting To Seasonal Changes

Re-thinking Recycling

Photo by Lara Jameson on

The state of recycling makes me sad and frustrated. Recently, while eating breakfast at a chain hotel, I watched as an employee emptied the recycling and garbage into the same bags. It happens all the time in hotels, the community and at work: recycling gets tossed out with the garbage after the consumer has dutifully… Continue reading Re-thinking Recycling

Trusting The Blueberry

Photo by Markus Spiske on

I just don’t trust nature. I see people eating vegetables that they’ve grown. I saw a couple harvesting apples from a tree in the neighbourhood. I’m fascinated by a YouTuber who makes cleaning products from natural items. But, I can’t do it. I can’t even pop a wild blueberry into my mouth. I wish I… Continue reading Trusting The Blueberry

Healing My Relationship With Plants

Photo by cottonbro studio on

I found myself talking regularly to the orchid in my bathroom, when it bloomed during the dead of winter. Its bright yellow and fuchsia blooms lifted my spirits when everything outside was frozen. I know they say that talking to your plants is good for them, but I’ve found that it’s been good for me… Continue reading Healing My Relationship With Plants